Welcome to thegillclan homepage

Thankyou for visiting our Internet site. Here you can expect to find pictures and footage of our two lovely children growing up.
The focus of our site is on the Gill family's activities over the past few months (and maybe old photos too when I've got time to add them in). The site will probably always be under construction, so check it out from time to time to see what's changed.
So what's it all about?
Follow the links on the left hand side of the page to get to our collection of photos, recipes and popular websites.
Follow the Family link to keep abreast of what our little people are getting involved with. There's a feature on Ross's first day at school, with video footage in the classroom.
The footage is meant to be viewed over a broadband connection due to the large size of the video content. Other clips will be added when I get round to it.
A favourite day trip is an hour's drive to Culzean Castle near Maybole in Ayrshire, it's one of the best preserved properties belonging to the NTS.
Here we are enjoying a family picnic next to the deer park.

You can spend the whole day at Culzean exploring the gardens, cliff walks, the castle itself and the shoreline. It's quite pricey to access the castle and grounds; it makes sense to subscribe to the NTS if you intend to visit more than twice a year. There are lots of interesting sites to visit and you will be helping to sustain the country's heritage.
The NTS has a reciprocal agreement with the National Trust which allows you access to lots of properties across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Holiday snaps
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Clicking on the Holiday link will take you to some snaps of our holidays in Barra and Gran Canaria.